Plan Themes


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Congestion, Safety and ITS

There are nearly 9,000 miles of roadways in the TPO planning area. This section looks at which roads in the region currently cause drivers to experience delay, how to make crashes preventable, and technology that makes the existing transportation system more efficient.

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Mobility and Health

Though most people in our region travel by car, we know that our residents need and want more transportation options. The three primary alternatives to personal vehicles in the Knoxville region are walking, biking, and public transit. This section looks at how these modes can help improve our health, cut air pollution, and reduce the cost of transportation in a sustainable way.

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Land Use and Development

The way our communities are designed and built impacts how we travel to, from and within them. This presentation looks at how our transportation system is linked to the way our region is developed.

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Environmental Justice and Equity

One goal of the Mobility Plan 2045 is to ensure that everyone in our region has access to benefits like quality jobs, adequate healthcare, education services, and daily needs like healthy food and affordable housing. This section looks at how we aim to provide equal access to opportunities within our region using transportation.

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Economic Development, Tourism, Freight and Goods Movement

This section looks at our region’s economy, including industry, tourism, and the infrastructure needed to support freight systems. In the future, we want to ensure that the improvements we make encourage cohesive development of our communities and infrastructure.  

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